Online/Offline Local Promotion

We adapt any side of your Promotion Strategy to the Italian market, supporting you in both strategic set-up and operational implementing phases

  • Review of Company’s global Promotion Strategy and matching analysis to the Italian context
  • Dedicated adapting and calibration activity: set-up and operational plan
  • Drawing of a local Marketing and Content Management Strategy, including mother language translation of each communication action
  • Operational support in local blogging, social media, and advertising campaign management, including offline activity.
Creating and consolidating local relationship is the key to the long-term success of your company in each area

The transmission of your Company’s values needs to be adapted to each local context, while keeping the fundamental and original definition.

Any single communication action needs to be included in a comprehensive strategy, affirming the Company’s global values “in a local way”, to grant the syntony with the cultural and social features of each specific market.

The Italian market is highly evolved from this point of view: the use of the various social platforms, the refinement and adequacy of the language and the ability to adapt it to different social and age groups are essential requirements to make effective and profitable the communication activity.

This is true online, and even more offline, where the personal element still plays a decisive role.

The longstanding know-how of our industrial design and marketing Studio within the Italian context
combined with the capability to create and consolidate personal relationships online and offline
make us your best partner in granting the success of your product in Italy

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